Choosing Your Iceland Accommodation
Iceland has something for absolutely everyone, but you can’t discover if you don’t visit. This country is one of the most beautiful, majestic, and natural in the world, with amazing landscapes,...
View ArticleVinnuferðir í sumarbústað
Oft þegar verið er að vinna stór verkefni innan fyrirtækja eða unnið í hópefli getur verið gott að skipta um umhverfi til að fá ferska sýn og aukna sköpunargleði. Starfsfólk Búngaló gerði einmitt...
View ArticleFrábært sumar og 40% afsláttur
Við gætum ekki verið glaðari með hversu vel sumarið hefur komið út, við höfum eignast þúsundi nýra vina og leigt út þúsundi nótta í yndislegu sumarhúsunum okkar. En sumarið er ekki búið svo endilega...
View ArticleVisit Iceland Volcanoes
Because of Iceland’s location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, there are several active volcanoes throughout the country, and you can visit them as a part of your vacation if you choose. The Mid-Atlantic...
View ArticleNew Bungalogo
We are extremely excited about being able to finally introduce our new logo. We hired one of our favorite designers, Ragnar Freyr, to design it. We like Ragnar’s work because he usually has a very...
View ArticleForritari óskast í spennandi Startup
Viltu taka þátt í virkilega skemmtilegu verkefni í vingjarnlegu og þægilegu vinnumhverfi? Bungalo leitar nú að öflugum forritara til að leiða forritun vefkerfis yfir á alþjóðlegan markað. Eina...
View ArticleNew Bungalo Cards
We just got our new business cards from the printers and we think they are awesome. We wanted to do something different that would really reflect our company and we felt like nothing reflected our...
View Article5 Unforgettable Experiences in Iceland
Iceland is truly an amazing place to visit. There are so many things to see and experience that no matter how long you stay you will always have wished you stayed longer. Here are 5 experiences that we...
View ArticleIceland or outer space?
Planet Iceland – Expedition Memories from Alex Cornell on Vimeo. This beautiful video from Alex Cornell depicts Iceland as a distant planet, which feels very much like the truth as you travel through...
View ArticleSölustjóri óskast fyrir íslandsmarkað
Bungalo leitar nú eftir hressum, vingjarnlegum og skemmtilegum starfsmanni til að taka að sér stöðu sölustjóra á íslandsmarkaði. Starfið felst að miklu leiti í að vera í samskiptum við ferðamenn,...
View ArticleVisit Vatnajökull in Iceland
Though your first mental image of Iceland may be of a country crusted in ice, this isn’t actually the case. However, you can get your fill of some pretty amazing wintery weather when visiting,...
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